There are endless ways to train bonsai. Most bonsai hobbyists never train seedlings as its perceived to take too long. That's true. There is just no way faster way to obtain a majestic aged specimen than to scour the treeline and collect that extraordinary "Nature's Bonsai" that may be hundreds of years old with a unique character. It takes an adventurous spirit, some physical effort, skill, and a bit of luck.
Or simply purchase an aged bonsai already trained. In the entire scope of things, bonsai are relatively inexpensive. For a person who has attained an annual salary of $100,000, a nice collected old tree may cost what is earned in two weeks. If your annual salary is $50,000, that tree may cost you a month's salary. If your annual salary is $25,000, that same tree will cost you two month's salary. So it's relative; but by any standard, bonsai are relatively inexpensive and affordable.
But there are many things that money can't buy and one is the joy and satisfaction of growing bonsai from seed! It's something that everyone can do. It bothers me when a recently retired person "looking for something to do," wants to buy my best and oldest Custom Collection "because I can afford it and am too old to start from seeds or young plants." It bothers me because the person is getting into bonsai for the wrong reasons. There's no interest in the hobby. It's simply a desire to own something that people will envy. It's easy to refuse such sales.
Growing bonsai from seeds is something that almost everyone can do regardless of age, economic status, and physical limitations. It doesn't take much space and in a way, it doesn't require much patience. Simply grow a lot and focus on each tree! Start training shortly after germination and train in an endless variety of ways.
Bonsai is a bridge to international friendship and peace and this portal section shares with you a gift of friendship from Shailesh Pranlal Kapadia of India. Shailesh is amongst the new international generation who benefits from the Internet and whose bonsai enthusiasm is being felt internationally. From time to time he emails and we discuss bonsai philosophy. I received a gift of seeds from him.
This portal section will continue to be updated and expanded to share with you our progress, successes, and failures as we explore the training of Water Jasmine in Hawaii. I thank Shailesh and Jerry for their contributions to this effort and will post their continuing thoughts on their pages above.
I invite those with experience and knowledge about Water Jasmine to write or send photos for inclusion into this section. Regards and aloha! ~~~David W. Fukumoto ( )
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- This portal section discusses various aspects of growing bonsai including light, water, humidity & moisture, fertilizing, problems, symptoms & first aid, and bugs, insects & other critters.
© Fuku-Bonsai Inc. 2003
- PO Box 6000, Kurtistown, Hawaii 96760 Phone (808) 982-9880
- FAX (808) 982-9883 Email: URL: