"SUMO" CUSTOM COLLECTION NOTE: WE WILL BEGIN POSTING CUSTOM COLLECTION. IF YOU WANT NOTIFICATION, EMAIL TO david.f@fukubonsai.com WITH GENERAL STYLE AND BUDGET PRICE RANGE. SUMO was our primary styling since 1973 when Fuku-Bonsai began. SUMO are ideal trees for our Hawaiian Lava Plantings. Trees are short and stout with heavy tapering trunks or multiple trunked with a lot of heavy low branches. Sumo trees are ideal for training into Banyan Bonsai and we place great emphasis on developing very heavy trunk and root buttressing. Generally, Sumo trees are upright for training into low, wide, heavy crowned Banyan Bonsai. But some are being trained to have more aerial roots (but generally not as prominent as those designated "Roots!" Between Sumo and Roots, it is possible to create just about any Banyan Bonsai variation imaginable. They are also ideal for lower or medium height rock plantings although Roots are generally preferred to plant on tall rocks. Please email if there are questions or assistance needed. ~~~David (david.f@fukubonsai.com) NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PHOTOS WERE TAKEN ON DATE STATED. IF VIEWED BEYOND THAT DATE, THEY MAY HAVE FURTHER DEVELOPED FROM WHEN THE PHOTO WAS TAKEN. NOTE ALSO THAT WHEN TAKING THE PHOTOS, WE TEND TO REMOVE A LOT OF LEAVES TO ALLOW VIEWING OF THE TRUNK AND BRANCH STRUCTURE WHICH IS IMPORTANT WHEN EVALUATING A HIGH-STANDARD BONSAI. MOST OF OUR TREES ARE SOLD AT VARIOUS GROWING-ON STAGES RATHER THAN AFTER FULL REFINEMENT THAT WILL INCREASE THE NUMBER OF GROWTH POINTS AND REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE LEAVES. THIS IS A RELATIVELY EASY PROCEDURE FOR THOSE WITH BASIC BONSAI SKILLS. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE BASIC SKILLS, WE RECOMMEND JOINING OUR STUDY GROUPS SO WE CAN HELP TEACH YOU SO YOU CAN PROPERLY MAINTAIN THE TREES. PLEASE REQUEST HELP IF NEEDED AS WE WANT THESE TREES TO CONTINUE TO IMPROVE!
CC-______ SUMO in 17"x12"x2" plastic oval sandy tan pot. Overall height: Overall width: wide trunk root base including aerial roots falling from high in the tree. A premium small bonsai in low, wide, upright sumo banyan form with potential to be a premium bonsai. + shipping
CC-______ SUMO in 17"x12"x2" plastic oval sandy tan pot. Overall height: 14". Overall width: 18". A nice low, wide banyan with well-shaped crown and outstanding lower roots to be a high standard medium size bonsai. 22-25 years in training. + shipping
CC-_______SUMO in 17"x12"x2" plastic oval sandy tan pot. Overall height: 15". Overall width: 17". Very promising slanting sumo with numerous well spread out lower branches and an extraordinary amount of aerial roots with great potential to train into a full range of very attractive designs. $ + shipping
CC- in 25x15x2 brown rectangle plastic pot-tray. Approximately 36" wide and 30" high. The root spread between the outer aerial roots is 17". This is one of our oldest trees over 40 years in training. This tree has not produced aerial roots from high branches. Reproduction rights retain for future book, etc. $ + shipping |
____________________________________________________________________________________ PREMIUM OLDER WORKSHOP PLANTS FOR ADVANCED BONSAI TRAINERS. Our Fuku-Bonsai's True Indoor Bonsai™ trees have matured to now offer advanced bonsai trainers greater challenges. These "almost finished trees" are ideal for individuals seeking high-potential training challenges, for group training sessions or for major demonstrations. The results at the end of a workshop or training session is pretty much determined by the potential of the plant at the start of the workshop. Normally we offer beginner workshop packages and older trained Custom Collection primarily needing refinement. Our older plants are usually ready for display, limited restyling, or for continuing into refinement to produce a nice bonsai. Increasingly as our customers become more skilled, some are requesting more challenging trees and this section offers such trees. As we attract more advanced traditional temperate climate outdoor bonsai growers, we are getting requests for high-potential workshop stock and these are in response to those requests. The trees being offered in this section normally would have another final training at Fuku-Bonsai. Six months or so later after the plants are fully recovered, they would normally be offered as Custom Collection The trees have had a light repotting. There are still "extra" branches to allow some "final" styling latitude. Half or more of the leaves have been removed to allow seeing the trunk and branch structures and two photos show both sides. For those mail ordering, we will be available to assist by email and critique photo results. If you're an experienced bonsai grower planning to visit Fuku-Bonsai and want to learn advanced True Indoor Bonsai techniques, consider reserving one of these (or another tree) and schedule a workshop here. We will photograph and summarize the workshop for placing on the website to aid others. There is no charge for the one-on-one workshop supervision and the finished tree can be held here for a month or so (or until the best shipping season) before shipping to your home. We invite advanced trainers to join our study group to develop the skills to do True Indoor Bonsai group demonstrations or to improve and become instructors. Please email me if you are interested and want more information as we continue efforts to develop a "True Indoor Bonsai Community!" ~~~David (david.f@fukubonsai.com) ____________________________________________________________________________________
PREMIUM OLDER WORKSHOP PLANT CC-_______-Sumo - $ + shipping in 17"x12"x2" oval plastic bonsai pot. Height: ; crown width: . An older 20+ year tree with neat growing habit and a nice crown. It has "extra branches" to allow retaining most, pruning back and creating an impressive smaller compact crown and bonsai. Or remove more branches, allow to over-grow and cut back farther out to create a larger bonsai. This tree had a major styling session several years ago where the roots were cleaned and attractively arranged. The latest "grow-out" phase has produce an impressive number of straight new outer roots and the challenge is to untangle, select, and position the roots to create an impressive banyan bonsai. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BEGINNERS |
PREMIUM OLDER WORKSHOP PLANT CC-_____ ( photo) - $ + shipping in 17"x12"x2" oval plastic bonsai pot. Height: ; crown width: . An older 20+ year tree with a nice crown and fewer but straighter aerial roots dropping from higher with some outer roots to develop into the highly desirable Rainforest Banyan. It has "extra branches." Retaining most, but prune back and creating an impressive taller crown and bonsai. Or remove more branches, repot higher, allow to over-grow and cut back farther out to create a larger bonsai. This tree had a major styling session several years ago where the roots were cleaned and attractively arranged. The latest "grow-out" phase has produce a number of straight new outer roots. This tree will be an easier challenge as there are less roots to untangle, select, and position. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BEGINNERS |
PREMIUM OLDER WORKSHOP PLANT CC-____- Sumo () - $ + shipping in 17"x12"x2" oval plastic bonsai pot. Height: ; crown width: . An older 20+ year tree with a nice crown and a large number of new straight aerial roots that need to be artfully selected and arranged. Some are dropping from higher with some outer roots to develop into the highly desirable Rainforest Banyan. It has "extra branches." Retain few or most? Prune back tight or allow to grow out? Or remove more branches, repot higher, allow to over-grow and cut back farther out to create a larger bonsai. This tree had a major styling session several years ago where the roots were cleaned and attractively arranged. The latest "grow-out" phase has produce a number of straight new outer roots. This tree will be an easier challenge as there are less roots to untangle, select, and position. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BEGINNERS
NOTE: There are a few old large premium "Rainforest Banyans" now being fully established or in advanced refinement stages with the rare highly desirable aerial roots from high branches falling free of the trunk mass. These are in the $20,000 to $40,000 range with larger oldest one priced higher. Reproduction rights reserved. Contact David if interested. To be listed in Premium Old Large Private & Public Bonsai Collection Bonsai section at www.fukubonsai.com/3a2c.html | |
CC- SUMO in 26" x 21" x 1.5" deep oval fiberglass tray. Overall
height: ". Overall width: ". This is a mature large rainforest banyan --- one of our oldest in training from the 1970's. An exceptional price for an exceptional tree. Purchaser must provide proof of adequate experience and skill level to maintain this tree. Shown to show quality of oldest Fuku-Bonsai trees |
SUMO is our oldest styling and there is a good
selection of Custom Collection not shown here. If you have a
preference, please provide as much description as possible with a
price range and we will dress and repot if necessary for shipment in
three to six months. We have larger and older plants including
a few over 40 years in training.
*** Return to Fuku-Bonsai Home Page *** Return to Custom Collection Introduction You are cordially invited to visit the Fuku-Bonsai Cultural Center in Kurtistown on the Big Island of Hawaii to enjoy our outstanding bonsai exhibit collection, to choose from the largest selection of True Indoor Bonsai for shipping to all parts of the U.S. or to take a one-on-one workshop. Please consider becoming a member of the Mid-Pacific Bonsai Foundation to receive a monthly email Journal of Tropical and True Indoor Bonsai! © Fuku-Bonsai 2017 |